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Ashley Rogers

Muhammad Mehai

Malek Mehai

*Implementing Apex Protection into my life was one of the best decisions I ever could have made! I've been using it while surfing for a while now, here are my reasons for doing so:

* It doesn't hinder me out in the water whatsoever.

* It's easy to clean after a session.

* After my first few experiences with it, I was reluctant to go without it as I feel more at ease with shark sightings on the rise.

* I love that it leaves no detrimental effects on the shark if I were to come into contact with one whilst still effectively deterring it. I couldn't stand behind this company if they weren't so ethically aware.


As a state beach lifeguard in Carpinteria, Ca., run-ins between man and shark are common. My first confirmed encounter happened in July of 2016 when I was paddling out at 8 am to put buoys in place for a guard competition and out of nowhere a white shark attacked a seal within 5 feet of me. Aside from this incident, I've only had peaceful interactions with them but now that I have Apex Protection in clutch I'm more confident in the water and don't feel the need to look over my shoulder as often.

I'm a regular spearfisher, often times retrieving fish can cause sharks to be lured in. Immediately after starting to use Apex Protection I've come into contact with none. It's allowed for me to extend my time in the water even with an abundance of fish in hand!

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